gff_annotation_extractor: annotate gene feature data


gff_annotation_extractor takes gene feature data (for example the output from one or more runs of the HTSeq-count program) and combines it with data about each feature’s parent gene from a GFF file.

By default the program takes a single tab-delimited input file where the first column contains feature IDs, and appends data about the feature’s parent gene.

In ‘htseq-count’ mode, one or more htseq-count output files should be provided as input, and the program will write out the data about the feature’s parent gene appended with the counts from each input file.

To generate the feature count files using htseq-count do e.g.:

htseq-count --type=exon -i Parent <file>.gff <file>.sam

which returns counts of each exon against the name of that exon’s parent.

gff_annotation_extractor will match up the exon parent with its parent gene and output the counts against gene names.


gff_annotation_extractor can also be used with GTF input.

Usage and options

General usage syntax:

gff_annotation_extractor OPTIONS <file>.gff FEATURE_DATA


gff_annotation_extractor --htseq-count OPTIONS <file>.gff FEATURE_COUNTS [FEATURE_COUNTS2 ...]

if working with htseq-count data.



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show the help message and exit


specify output file name


feature type listed in input count files (default exon; if used in conjunction with --htseq-count option then should be the same as that specified when running htseq-count)

-i ID_ATTRIBUTE, --id-attribute=ID_ATTRIBUTE

explicitly specify the name of the attribute to get the feature IDs from (defaults to ID for GFF input, gene_id for GTF input)


htseq-count mode: input is one or more output FEATURE_COUNT files from the htseq-count program

Output files

  • <basename>_annot.txt: the feature data annotated with data for each parent gene.
  • <basename>_annot_stats.txt: the counts of “ambiguous”, “two_low_aQual” etc from each log (htseq-count mode only).